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Unstack Your Business Day

Administration is not something to be afraid of. The best advice I offer my clients is to start your day doing one thing you have been putting off. That way at the end of the day you feel like you really got something done.

This may be as simple as organizing the paper piles on your desk into 3 piles. Do ASAP, Do this week, Do this month. Once you have your piles start with something simple. This will give you momentum. Next pick 2 to 3 other things you want to do that day. Do not over do your list of tasks, or you can feel like you will never get it done.

Another tip, keep a folder in your car for receipts. As you purchase something put it in the folder. Once a month sort the receipts into like receipts. This way it will be easier when you hand them over to accountants. This will help you save money, because it takes them less time working on your file.

One other thing to keep in mind is to schedule in admin time. If you are finding you just don’t have time, hire a professional. An admin assistant can work on a monthly, weekly or daily basis depending on your needs. Most of the time they cost far less than you think. If you do not know where to start let me help. I can provide you with a admin audit and set you up with a plan.

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